How to Backup / Restore studies (images) from old DCM4CHEE 2.18.x server to New dcm4chee 2.18.x Server

Why ? What ?
Sometimes we need to move the existing PACS environment to a newer one due to space limitations as well as due to other security issues.

Here I am going to discuss the steps that need to take for the backup and restoration of 'DCM4CHEE 2.18.1'. Here I call 'ServerA' as my existing server and 'ServerB' as the targeted new server where we need to deploy latest backup.

How to backup images from ServerA?
Its quite easy to backup old images and database into a new DCM4CHEE-2.18.1 version platform.
Backing up sense has two actions: 
1. Backup the 'Archive' folder where Dicom images have been saved.
2. Backup the mysql database named as 'pacsdb' where username and password are 'pacs'.

Backup 'Archive' folder at ‘/opt/dcm4chee-2.18.1-mysql/server/default/archive' :
  • Use pen drive to copy (Use Ubuntu GUI)
  • OR
  • Create a Network Share using 'Samba'  at '/tmp/Share'  and copy the folder. (Use Ubuntu GUI)
  • OR 
  • Install 'Teamviewer' on Server A and use Teamviewer Filesharing facility to transfer. (Use Ubuntu GUI)
  • OR
  • Use terminal and SSH, Use 'scp' or 'rsync' functions.


    scp -r /path/to/local/source
Backup MySQL database from ServerA :
  • Install 'phpmyadmin' and use the database export method to get a dump. ($apt-get install phpmyadmin), then (Use Ubuntu GUI)
  • OR
  • Use terminal and type, $mysqldump -u root -p {mysql password} pacsdb > pacsdb_old.sql). Copy SQL file to the Pendrive. (Use Ubuntu GUI)
  • OR
  • Copy above downloaded dump file to Network Share folder we created at earlier steps. (Use Ubuntu GUI)
  • OR 
  • Use Teamviewer filesharing facility to copy the above file to the "ServerB'. (Use Ubuntu GUI)
Restoration has two activities such as 1) Paste, copied 'Archive' folder back to the location (/opt/dcm4chee-2.18.1-mysql/server/default/). (2) Restore backup MySQL database.
  1. Copy 'archive' folder and 'pacs_old.sql' file to newly deployed server '/tmp'. You can use linux SCP commad.
    1. Eg: $scp -r ./<bck_archive_folder>/* root@<ServerB>:/tmp/
  2. Move 'archive' folder to it's destination. ($sudo mv /tmp/archive /opt/dcm4chee/server/default/) using the terminal.
  3. If you cannot open the images once you check, Change newly copied 'archive' folder's ownership to 'dcm4chee'. ($chown -R dcm4chee /opt/dcm4chee-2.18.1/server/default/archive). Otherwise, you will see the record of the patient, but images will not view under Oviyam viewer.
  4. Restore backup-ed mysql database. ($mysql -u root -p {new server mysql pwd} pacsdb < /tmp/pacsdb_old.sql)
  5. If you will find any issues due to the existing tables. Just drop the 'pacsdb' and re-create it using [mysql] terminal.
