How to integrate Oviyam Dicom view with DCM4CHE 2.18.1 Open-Source PACS Server.
How to integrate Oviyam Dicom view with DCM4CHE 2.18.1 Open-Source PACS Server.
First, you need to install and configure the DCM4CHEE 2.18.1 server & JBoss. In this article I am going to illustrate how you can install Oviyam viewer (Opensource viewer) to retrieve and view the X-Rays, MRI & CT Scans from other client computers without installing a dedicated software for client-side.
Let’s install Oviyam viewer to view Xray images.
a. Get oviyam files (Always look for latest version) from
b. Oviyam installation ~
- Remove or rename the directory previous versions of Oviyam
- Download & unzip the latest version of Oviyam
- Copy oviyam.war to your dcm4chee server under /
- Point your browser to http://dcm4chee_ip:8080/oviyam
- The first time it’s opened in a browser, a property sheet will slide down. Fill out the connection information.
c. The following values are for a default dcm4chee installation
- AE title: DCM4CHEE
- Host name: dcm4chee_ip or DNS Hostname
- Port: 11112
- WADO Port: 8080
Customize Oviyam viewer to;
(1) View Xrays directly login to the Oviyams & Integrated Oviyam viewer with existing Hospital Information System to view patient’s studies directly through the system
How do this?
1. Install Oviyam2 for normal login
a. Install original ‘oviyam2.war’ file on /opt/dcm4chee/server/default/deploy/ (here after referred OviyamPATH)
b. Restart the DCM4CHEE
c. Login oviyam2
d. Configure PACS server with correct server IP and remove all other entries.(i. Logical name of the pacs would ‘UDPACS’ or ‘DCM4CHEE’)
e. Test smooth running through inquiring the patient details
f. Userid & Password : admin
2. Place another oviyam.war for HIS integration.
a. Copy above configured ‘OviyamPATH/oviyam2.war’ and place as ‘oviyam3.war’.
b. Extract ‘oviyam3.war’
c. Rename the index.html to index2.html
d. Edit .oviyam3/web.inf/web.xml
<description>Only allows users with the role WebAdmin to access the Archive Web Administration pages</description>
For this:
<description>Only allows users with the role WebAdmin to access the Archive Web Administration pages</description>
<description>Only allows users with the role WebAdmin to access the Archive Web Administration pages</description>
For this:
<description>Only allows users with the role WebAdmin to access the Archive Web Administration pages</description>
e. Come to the root of ‘oviyam3’ folder and select all
f. Compress >> oviyam3.war
g. Place newly made ‘oviyam3.war’ also in OviyamPATH
3. restart dcm4chee
4. Direct access:
a. <OviyamIP>:8080/oviyam2/
5. HIS Access:
a. http://<oviyamIP>:8080/oviyam3/viewer.html?patientID=<?php echo $gen_mrn;?>&serverName=UDPACS
i. ‘serverName’ — ’N’ capital
ii. Use logical name of OviyamPACS which has created “UDPACS”
iii. Test with known patient details who has been taken xray images.
6. If you need, How to edit Oviyam.war file? (
7. Done & Enjoy
Hello, in that case will all the patient's exams appear? I did a test but it only shows the first examination of the patient. I also tested using accessionNumber but it doesn't work.
ReplyDeleteThanks for this helpful article, I need to as one thing, I have installed OVIYAM, it's getting studies information from DCM4CHEE PACS but unable to open images. Could you please help
Hi Naseem, Please try different version of Oviyam. I also encountered that problem. Oviyam viewer is not loaded the images.
DeleteThen it rectified with different stable version of Oviyam.
Please try it and let me know,
Furthermore, Its my pleasure to serve you by this knowledge.
Hi my dear friend. Its any way to search by url the patient study and the user cant search any study by manual editting url? Passwor and user default encrypted like http://:8080/oviyam3/viewer.html?patientID=&serverName=UDPACS&user=&pass=?
ReplyDeleteYes, Somewhere I found that, but didn't get carefully and tested. Then you need to pass the studyID along with the URL.