AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner Exam Preparation Handout - Frequently Asked Questions
AWS Certified Could Practitioner Exam FAQs prepared by Udara Pathirage R ecently I faced the Amazon Cloud Practitioner Exam. I followed various courses and AWS has given video lectures and did many Labs in order to enhance my knowledge. Finally, I started to do model & past papers that have been given at the exam. There is some key points you should look up in order to pass your exam. This is a summary and good to refer to before 1 week of your exam date. URL: 1. Under the Shared Responsibility Model, which of the following are controls which a customer fully inherits from AWS? > physical controls and environmental controls 2. Amazon EMR is used to run and Scale Apache Spark, Hadoop, HBase, Presto, Hive, and other Big Data Frameworks 3. The Multi-AZ feature always spans two Availability Zones within a single Region. 4. ...